Pranvera Këllezi advises on public law, public procurement, EU state aid law, banking, safety and product liability laws.
Pranvera Këllezi advises on banking laws and regulations as well as on banking agreements: loans, other equity or debt instruments and collaterals, and on product liability and safety laws and regulations.
Pranvera Këllezi advises companies about handling public procurement requirements and helps them overcoming regulatory barriers to business. Over the years, she has developed a strong expertise in EU state aid law and regulations. Her background in contract and business law, and her understanding of the regulatory environment of public organisations, is an added value in the design and implementation of private-public partnerships.
Recent publications and conferences:
- Aides d’État : les subventions accordées aux particuliers et aux PME constituent une aide d’État indirecte aux banques (disponible ici)
- Conformité en matière de marchés publics : comment reconnaître les cartels de soumission ? Présentation du 25 janvier 2019 (disponible ici)